I don't really have much to report but was tired of looking at the Happy New Year page on my blog so thought I would ramble about nothing. January is really about nothing don't you think? No one gets overly excited about January unless your birthday is in that month. It is usually to freezing cold to do anything- yep that is happening right now although today was a balmy 30 degrees with 100 mph winds!
We had the joy (actually Eric since he was driving) of driving in the winds to and from a basketball tournament in Harlan. It is about an hour and a half east of des moines. We played in a 7th grade (our boys are in 6th) tournament and ended up taking 7th. Not too shabby considering those boys made Mason look short. Guess I can expect him to continue to grow like a weed in the next year. Great!
Jayde made it through her recital. She did a fantabulous job on it. She was in two routines. I will post pictures when I get them downloaded. We finally got our camera traded for a new one since it was defective. So, the pictures are much better quality now ;)
We will be traveling to Kansas City next weekend for a tournament there. It will be nice to get away and spend a night in a hotel. Mason can hang out with the boys and Jayde can swim until her heart's content. As long as she doesn't try to drown and make me jump in fully clothed again, I am cool with her swimming! HA!
Update you all soon!