I thought it was time I should update the blog. Things have been busy as usual. Basketball finished up for Mason. He ended the season placing second in the state school tournament for Urbandale. It was an amazing tournament! In the semi-finals Urbandale was down by 1 point and there was 8 seconds left in the game. The other team blew the throw in and gave Urbandale the ball. Our boys get the ball in and passed in to Mason. He shoots up a three pointer and it swishes with 2 seconds left in the game. The other team couldn't get it down in time and Mason's team won! That was awesome! That put them into the final. But it wasn't meant to be and they couldn't pull off the third win of the day. They did qualify for Nationals this summer because of their high placement at state. We aren't sure if the team will be going though. The game is in July and that is when the boys are usually wrapping up baseball.
Mason will be playing both little league and AAU baseball. Baseball started in January and the games start in March. He is very excited about that. Jayde is registered for softball as always so she is very excited about that. She gets to perform a dance routine at the Iowa Energy Basketball team. That is on April 2nd. She is SO EXCITED! If I can get some good photos I will post them of the dance. Her spring recital is in May. I am very excited to see her routines she is working on it. She loves it.
I am one class away from finishing my Master's degree!! Happy Dance! Eric is currently battling a flu bug so that isn't good. We celebrated our 12th anniversary last weekend. I was knocked over with a feather when my hubby surprised me with roses! WOW! He never does that. I in turn took him out to Texas Roadhouse for a thick juicy steak. We both win! HA!
Here is a photo of our wedding day. We look so young!!!