Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Diary of a Bored Work-a-holic

So I sit here bored out of my skull. Don't get me wrong, I am surfing the net and applying for jobs. I network like the best of them but leads keep falling short. Bummer. Guess God wants me to be a stay at home mom for a little bit longer. Hard for me to understand because we already have a stay- at-home dad so not really sure what is so important that we both need to be here!!

I am a busy body by nature. Ask my mom- I am hardly ever still and not doing something. This being unemployed is for the birds. Once the kids go back to school I am going to pound the pavement and find something worthwhile to donate my time to in order to fill my days. It gets me out of the house and talking to other people. I figure it would be a good time to network with new faces. If anyone has any grand ideas, shoot them my way.

Kids are at the grandparents for a few days. The hubby and I have been enjoying some date nights together watching movies and eating foods the kids normally veto. It has been a good time. We have been relaxing while most of the towns around us are pretty flooded out. Being on the second floor condo makes it pretty ok for us since there is no water around here and it shouldn't reach us anyway! I do pray for the poor folks trapped by this water either in basements or their entire homes. It breaks my heart to see flood footage. Not good.

Well that is it for now. Toodles!