Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cleaning Day

It's cleaning day! The kids LOVE this day about as much as root canals and vaccinations. Our house is in need of a deep clean. Plus we are going over next door to clean that out for the builder cuz I want to get that baby sold and then we can have some neighbors.

The kids are troopers. They usually acknowledge that they have to do their part since they need to earn their keep. They can run a broom and a vacuum so that helps :)

I will let you know how well it goes. Oscar isn't much help. Maybe if I hooked a swiffer to his tail he could finally help a bit- HA!

On a serious note- my sister Angie had back surgery on her birthday yesterday from an injury from work. Lucky her! She had a ruptured disk in her back and is recovering nicely but could definitely use some prayers to ease her pain and for a quick recovery. Lucky her gets to recoup at her lake house so there is definitely an up-side! Stay strong Ang!

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