Monday, August 11, 2008


If anyone went to bed last night before the men's 4 x 100 relay- they missed out! That was one of the most amazing races I have ever watched. Eric and I were on the edge of our seats holding our breath as the Americans gained on the French. UNBELIEVABLE!!! What a way to win a gold medal!!!!!

For whatever reason, our family totally gets into the olympics. All four of us. If the olympics come on, everything comes to a stand-still at our house. We all sit zoned at the TV watching it. It sucks us in. Normally Eric and I don't even watch TV for the most part but we do this. We find ourselves staying up until all hours of the night watching sports we would normally never watch!

Mason finished his last summer basketball league game last weekend. He is really into basketball more and more. He used to split his love for sports evenly but I am seeing basketball as being his favorite. He still plays baseball and football-heaven forbid he actually have a season off! Jayde still could care less about basketball. With her height it is like a huge injustice! She says she plays softball and dances. Now I have tried to explain to her that if she played basketball, it would in NO WAY interfere with dance or softball but nope- nada- zip. She will be one of the few 6 ft woman who can't dribble a ball. JEESH!

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