Saturday, August 23, 2008

Miracle Grow?

Anyone with kids knows that it is crazy from one year to the other when you are trying to figure out what clothes still fit your kids. Now people tell me all of the time that they can't believe how much Mason and Jayden have grown. I don't pay that much attention since-let's face it- my kids are freakishly tall and have grown like weeds since they were born :)

Today, however I had a firm realization that my children have grown a LOT in the last year. We cleared out Jayden's closet and weeded out the clothing she wasn't going to wear or couldn't any longer. Then on to Mason. I had him try on the clothes that he wore to church etc at the end of winter. Needless to say they didn't fit. Here are a couple of photos of what used to be his favorite pants. Can boys wear capris??? :)

1 comment:

The Hough's said...

Okay, that's hysterical!