Friday, September 26, 2008

I want his life!

Oscar has the life. I realized just how good he has it today since I had the day off. He gets to lounge around on the furniture of his choice while enjoying the climate controlled environment in which he lives. It pretty much is about 70 degrees in our house year round. He has taken over the chair as his favorite perch- probably because he can see the front door and the back door all from that spot.

In case you were worried about him being lonely or neglected in any way due to our busy schedules, I have proof that the worry is unfounded. Here are a couple of photos from today showing the "tough" life he leads....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I love Football Season

I love fall. It is my favorite season by far. I love Football season. The air is crisp and the temp is cool (or should be- not lately). My favorite time to decorate the house and the leaves change color. It is exciting!

The kids like the fall. The days seem a little shorter but they aren't as stuffy any more and that is nice. I love the fact that we have NO leaves to rake! Our old house in Ankeny was a nightmare. We spent hours after hours raking those dinner plate size leaves. UH!

Mason's football games are pretty fun. Jayde has been going to her friend Claire's house during the games. The girls have a good time hanging out for an hour or two and Jayde doesn't have to sit through games that she has no interest in watching.

Not much else to report so I will sign off for now.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I love Fall!

I love fall- it is by far my most favorite season. It typically isn't all that rainy, it is cool- not scalding hot. You get to look forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Who wouldn't look forward to a season where you get so many days off from work! :)

Any guesses on what Jayde has decided to be for Halloween?? Drum roll please- a cat. Just kidding she wants to be Hannah Montana. In all fairness she was leaning towards a cat for a while but then saw a Hannah Montana costume in the store and the squealing ensued. I explained that she had a wig and microphone already and just needed to spruce up an outfit and she could do that rather than buying a 30 dollar cheap version of a costume! YUP I am a GREAT mom HA.

Mason is too cool for Halloween you know now that he is in Middle School and all- but 10 bucks says he will convince his sister that she needs to share her candy that she acquires. That will work because the Good Lord knows she doesn't get to eat it all! He isn't stupid!

Jayde made me a lovely portrait out of cut up little squares that I had to share. Yes it looks like I have three chins- which I guess wouldn't be THAT far off- but she clarified to me that it was a smile, my chin and a necklace. I like how my necklace connects to my hair hanging down-that is handy.

What are the things on the side of my head you ask? They are exclamation points silly! As Jayde says- because you are my !Mommy!. I cracked up at that one! Another thing she said is that one off the squares fell off on the top of my head so "Mom- you have a hole in your head- Sorry!". Probably for the best really-I could use a little ventilation! You gotta love her.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Bless America

First and foremost I want to ask you all to pray for the families who lost relatives during this sad day. I lost my dad almost 3 years ago now but it seems like just yesterday. You don't fully understand that until you lose someone close to you suddenly. I can only imagine how fresh it feels to each of the families when they attend memorials of the family members taken all too quickly in such a horrific way.

It is funny how most people can remember exactly what you were doing that day. Eric had just started a new job and I was at work at Seabury. A gal came in and said "A plane just hit the World Trade Center-it was on the radio" and we were all sitting there thinking- wow- and dismissed it and went on with our work. Then someone said another just hit the other tower. Goosebumps covered your body when you realized this was no accident and the hair started rising on the back of your neck. All work ceased and everyone huddled around the TV watching the horror unfold. Eric and I kept emailing what we knew to each other. My first thought was that I wanted to pick up my kids and to go home!

Here 7 years later the goosebumps are gone but I still looked at the clock this morning around 8:45 and said a prayer. It isn't a coincidence that I looked at the clock at that time.

God Bless America.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sorry- I have been busy!

So I have gotten notes that you are missing my blog- good to know someone is reading my random thoughts. I have been ill- I had to take a break.

I was trying to load a video of Oscar "talking" to Eric but it is too large. I will have to play with it some more. It is very cute. For those of you who are under a rock-ahem- I mean don't know- Oscar thinks he is human. He doesn't seem to notice he walks differently than us and all but he was raised by a pack of humans- therefore he thinks he is one. :)

He will sit on the edge of the bed or the couch and will talk to us. He will actually talk- not bark, not growl but make noises like he is talking. Then if you respond like you understand him- he gets more excited and keeps going. Very entertaining. Makes you wonder what and the heck he is telling you!

The kids are doing great. Mason's football started last week. Jayde is now in two dance classes now so she is busy. It is more advances so she is excited for the challenge. Mason's teachers confirmed that he is doing amazingly well. You wouldn't believe the positive comments they have given regarding his performance. That is so exciting. Jayden has taken to her school really well and now even is in a running club (Jayde- the girl who doesn't like to sweat because it is yucky) and she does that instead of recess a few times a month. Very cool! They are really branching out in what they are trying.

Well, that is all to report for now. If I get the video figured out, I will get it loaded :) Toodles!