Any guesses on what Jayde has decided to be for Halloween?? Drum roll please- a cat. Just kidding she wants to be Hannah Montana. In all fairness she was leaning towards a cat for a while but then saw a Hannah Montana costume in the store and the squealing ensued. I explained that she had a wig and microphone already and just needed to spruce up an outfit and she could do that rather than buying a 30 dollar cheap version of a costume! YUP I am a GREAT mom HA.
Mason is too cool for Halloween you know now that he is in Middle School and all- but 10 bucks says he will convince his sister that she needs to share her candy that she acquires. That will work because the Good Lord knows she doesn't get to eat it all! He isn't stupid!

What are the things on the side of my head you ask? They are exclamation points silly! As Jayde says- because you are my !Mommy!. I cracked up at that one! Another thing she said is that one off the squares fell off on the top of my head so "Mom- you have a hole in your head- Sorry!". Probably for the best really-I could use a little ventilation! You gotta love her.
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