Thursday, September 25, 2008

I love Football Season

I love fall. It is my favorite season by far. I love Football season. The air is crisp and the temp is cool (or should be- not lately). My favorite time to decorate the house and the leaves change color. It is exciting!

The kids like the fall. The days seem a little shorter but they aren't as stuffy any more and that is nice. I love the fact that we have NO leaves to rake! Our old house in Ankeny was a nightmare. We spent hours after hours raking those dinner plate size leaves. UH!

Mason's football games are pretty fun. Jayde has been going to her friend Claire's house during the games. The girls have a good time hanging out for an hour or two and Jayde doesn't have to sit through games that she has no interest in watching.

Not much else to report so I will sign off for now.

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