Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Bless America

First and foremost I want to ask you all to pray for the families who lost relatives during this sad day. I lost my dad almost 3 years ago now but it seems like just yesterday. You don't fully understand that until you lose someone close to you suddenly. I can only imagine how fresh it feels to each of the families when they attend memorials of the family members taken all too quickly in such a horrific way.

It is funny how most people can remember exactly what you were doing that day. Eric had just started a new job and I was at work at Seabury. A gal came in and said "A plane just hit the World Trade Center-it was on the radio" and we were all sitting there thinking- wow- and dismissed it and went on with our work. Then someone said another just hit the other tower. Goosebumps covered your body when you realized this was no accident and the hair started rising on the back of your neck. All work ceased and everyone huddled around the TV watching the horror unfold. Eric and I kept emailing what we knew to each other. My first thought was that I wanted to pick up my kids and to go home!

Here 7 years later the goosebumps are gone but I still looked at the clock this morning around 8:45 and said a prayer. It isn't a coincidence that I looked at the clock at that time.

God Bless America.

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